Starcraft 2
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Starcraft 2

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 [Proyecto] SC: Leaders

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4 participantes

Mensajes : 13
Fecha de inscripción : 03/03/2011

[Proyecto] SC: Leaders Empty
MensajeTema: [Proyecto] SC: Leaders   [Proyecto] SC: Leaders Icon_minitimeJue Mar 03, 2011 10:39 pm

Por fin he dado con un lugar español para mappers!
La verdad, no se lo que yo podré ayudar a otros con sus proyectos. Me falta tiempo para avanzar con el mí un proyecto ambicioso con el que quizá me podais ayudar. Sólo con ofreceros de voluntarios para probar las versiones alpha y beta ya me estariais ayudando mucho. Pero busco más, quiero crear uno de los mejores mapas, y toda ayuda es inestimable.

Me presento. Llevo con juegos de estrategia desde el año 1995 o así -el Dune 2 jejeje-, he probado muchos pero he jugado online sobre todo al AoE2 y a Warcraft 3. Hace como 4 años empecé a diseñar un juego conceptualmente, y finalmente lo llevé a la realidad en forma de mapa para WC3 año y medio después. Claro que era ya un poco tarde en la vida del WC3, era la primera vez que me enfrentaba a un editor de mapas, y lo hice todo yo solo, por lo que no lo pulí y no tuvo mucho éxito. Mi objetivo ahora es aprovechar esa experiencia para mejorar el diseño del juego y hacerlo realidad con el editor del Starcraft 2.


SC: Leaders

La idea es un juego competitivo RTS de pequeña/mediana escala -lo normal será controlar unas 10-20 unidades-, en el que la acción comience de inmediato, y se haga especial hincapié en las opciones de los jugadores al principio de la partida. Que un jugador "quiera" volver a jugar y probar una nueva estrategia para early game, en definitiva, que tenga mucha rejugabilidad. Que un "build order" no sea siempre el mejor, y si al final lo es, que cueste mucho llegar a él. El micromanejo será importante, pero controlar el mapa y tomar mejores decisiones que el rival también ganará partidas.

El juego permitirá 1v1, 2v2, y 3v3. Cada equipo empieza en esquinas opuestas del mapa de manera similar a DotA. Cada jugador empieza con un edificio principal, y para ganar la partida tendrá que destruir todos los edificios principales enemigos, o conseguir cierta cantidad de un recurso. Esta cantidad no será elevada, y el recurso se utilizará para acceder a muchas unidades y mejoras, por lo que los jugadores tienen que decidir hasta qué punto hacer uso de ese recurso para conseguir ventaja en la partida. El equipo que consiga una cierta ventaja obtendrá una menor cantidad de ese recurso. Este concepto de doble condición de victoria es complicado y posiblemente requiera hilar muy fino, pero el objetivo es que aporte un gran dinamismo a la partida y aumente las posibilidades estratégicas.

Los jugadores podrán crear unidades en su edificio principal, el cual podrán mejorar a un segundo y tercer nivel. Para conseguir recursos, poder construir otras unidades, acceder a mejoras, y otros beneficios...los jugadores tendrán que "convertir" edificios neutrales esparcidos por el mapa. Una vez convertido, un edificio neutral puede ser convertido por el rival, de manera que él pase a tener acceso a los beneficios que el edificio proporcione. Los edificios neutrales se podrán mejorar para tener acceso a un mayor beneficio, pero esta mejora no se pierde si lo convierte un rival. Así, los jugadores habrán de valorar si merece la pena mejorar un edificio neutral que posean, si es mejor convertir un edificio neutral no convertido en vez de luchar por uno ya convertido por el rival, etc.

Salvo en unos pocos casos, los jugadores no construirán edificios. Al convertir un edificio neutral, un jugador puede construir un "add-on" a su lado, de manera que el rival primero tendría que destruir este add-on si desea convertir el edificio. La idea de esto es evitar o hacer más dificil que los jugadores estén constantemente dando vueltas por el mapa convirtiendo edificios neutrales sin pelear, el famoso "hit-and-run". Y también añade una decisión más que los jugadores deben tomar: pago por el add-on o hago un uso rapido del edificio y después no lo defiendo?

Unas aclaraciones. Los edificios principales no pueden ser convertidos, sólo pueden ser destruidos. Los edificios neutrales no pueden ser destruidos, sólo pueden ser convertidos.
Lo que he contado hasta ahora son las mecánicas principales del juego. Si funciona esto de manera suave y sin problemas, no tengo dudas de que el juego tendrá exito. Las características que menciono a continuación son más de apoyo a estas mecánicas principales, para dar vidilla al juego.

Los jugadores podrán elegir entre 7 facciones, aquí llamados "líderes", de ahí el nombre del juego. Habrá 3 líderes Terran, dos Zerg, y dos Protoss, al menos para la primera versión del juego. Cada líder tendrá asociado un edificio principal distinto, y una unidad "líder" distinta. Esta unidad especial, al contrario que por ejemplo en el Warcraft 3, será más de apoyo y no irá matando enemigos por doquier. Su capacidad principal es la de convertir edificios neutrales. Las unidades "líder" reviven automáticamente al morir, pero tardan un tiempo y dan recursos al rival al morir. Estas unidades "líder" no pueden subir de nivel.

Más allá de las unidades "líder", están las unidades que los jugadores pueden entrenar en su edificio principal y en un cierto tipo de edificio neutral. Estas unidades reciben el nombre de "guerreros". Los guerreros pueden subir de rango según permanezcan más tiempo vivos, lo cual les confiere una pequeña bonificación de daño y puntos de vida, y les proporciona una habilidad más que pueden usar -esto sólo en los dos primeros rangos. En el rango más alto -5-, los guerreros adquieren la capacidad de convertir edificios neutrales. El objetivo es que los jugadores puedan prestar especial atención a unidades particulares y sentir afecto por ellas, de manera que se cree un mayor vínculo emocional con el juego. A pesar de esto, es un objetivo prioritario que se pueda jugar sin tener que buscar siempre guerreros de rango alto, esto es, que sea factible usar una estrategia de guerreros de bajo nivel pero mejorados en grupo, por ejemplo. La idea no es otra que haya varias maneras de jugar y por lo tanto mucha rejugabilidad. Que atraiga tanto a jugadores tipo Starcraft como aquellos que prefieren algo tipo Warcraft.

Otra particularidad de los guerreros es que cada tipo tendrá un número máximo de unidades que pueda estar en la partida al mismo tiempo. Esto significa que, para un tipo de guerrero que tenga de límite 4 y en partida 1v1 por ejemplo, cuando el jugador X tenga dos guerreros de ese tipo, el jugador Y sólo podrá entrenar a dos unidades de ese tipo -lo mismo para el jugador X, de manera que nunca haya más de 4 unidades de ese tipo en el mapa. La idea es que los jugadores se vean forzados a mezclar tipos de unidades, puedan denegar al rival algún tipo de unidad, y en definitiva mantener el juego dinámico.

Por último, se podrán contratar "mercenarios" en un tipo de edificio neutral. Los mercenarios son unidades poderosas, pero cuestan recursos según el tiempo que están en el mapa. Al contratar un mercenario, el jugador tiene la opción en todo momento de hacerle ver que no cuenta con sus servicios, por lo que el mercenario desaparece de la partida y el jugador deja de realizar el pago periódico por él. Para no abusar este sistema, los mercenarios tienen también un coste inicial.

En cuanto al mapa y terreno, habrá tipos distintos de terreno en los cuales distintos tipos de unidades tendrán beneficios y penalizaciones. Por ejemplo, los Terran serán capaces de construir carreteras a fin de que los vehículos se muevan más rápido. Por contra, estos vehículos se moverán con gran lentitud por la jungla.

Como ves, son muchas ideas novedosas, de ahí la dimensión del reto al que me enfrento. No quiero crear una copia del DotA o TD, si no romper moldes. Me ayudarás?
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Mensajes : 64
Fecha de inscripción : 30/01/2011

[Proyecto] SC: Leaders Empty
MensajeTema: Re: [Proyecto] SC: Leaders   [Proyecto] SC: Leaders Icon_minitimeVie Mar 04, 2011 3:32 pm

Todo lo que pueda ayudarte cuenta con ello

aunque recuerda estas 2 frases :

" Simplifica simplifica.... Very Happy!!"


" Primero 1 paso y despues otro, no intentes hacerlo todo a la vez, ve evolucionandolo a medida que pruebas"
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Mensajes : 112
Fecha de inscripción : 10/11/2010

[Proyecto] SC: Leaders Empty
MensajeTema: Re: [Proyecto] SC: Leaders   [Proyecto] SC: Leaders Icon_minitimeVie Mar 04, 2011 4:35 pm

unjugon escribió:
El objetivo es que los jugadores puedan prestar especial atención a unidades particulares y sentir afecto por ellas, de manera que se cree un mayor vínculo emocional con el juego Me ayudarás?

Fuck yeah! amor virtual el nuevo acoso sexual a unidades de sc2


Nah es coña...

La verdad, parece un proyecto interesante a la par que complicado, me gusta mucho esa idea de Estrategia, y no estrategia que son cosas diferentes....

porque tu Estrategia, es la de Pensar la manera más eficaz de ganar

estrategia (la de sc2) es pensar la manera de joder más al rival sin que te mate.... (algo tan realista, como que los vikingos no puedan atacar al aire y a la tierra al mismo tiempo, por cierto, el diseñador de esa nave se merece una medalla.

siguiendo con tu tema...

sobre lo de las carreteras, si las vas a hacer te aconsejo usar algo totalmente cuadrado para ello, porque si no quieres tocar el apartado "Desplazados" que es algo complicado, siempre puedes apoyarte en triggers y comportamientos (lo primero sería crear una Segunda biomateria en forma de carretera, lo segundo simplemente es, si unidad se acerca a menos de X metros y es de este tipo, añadir X comportamiento que aumenta X la velocidad...

otra cosa, ponle a todas las units una "baja" aceleración, para que no todo sea un correr y atacar....


no hagas el mapa grande grande...

haz las zonas muy diferenciadas, para así guiarte mejor cuanto tengas que decir que X lugar es jungla y H lugar es tierra

Mucha Suerte! parece un buen mapa....
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Mensajes : 13
Fecha de inscripción : 03/03/2011

[Proyecto] SC: Leaders Empty
MensajeTema: Re: [Proyecto] SC: Leaders   [Proyecto] SC: Leaders Icon_minitimeVie Mar 04, 2011 5:09 pm

Qué gusto ver respuestas así! Intentaré no fallar y que esto tire adelante..
Siempre había tratado con guiris en los juegos, creo que la comunicación -tambien por temas culturales- va a ser mucho mejor aquí.

Rommel, créeme que si no tuviera la experiencia del proyecto con el editor de WC3 ahora mismo no sabría ni por donde empezar. Como dices, es ir centrándose una a una en las funcionalidades del juego. Gracias por ofrecer tu ayuda!

Bélsel, creo que has entendido el juego rápidamente: puede derivar en un constante correr-y-atacar que hay que intentar evitar. Y en todo este tiempo pensando sobre el juego no se me había ocurrido lo de la baja aceleración!!!! Creo que puede funcionar Smile GRACIAS. Con todo, recuerdo el AoE3, en el que los ataques enlentencian a las unidades golpeadas. Esto funcionaba así así, tenia tantos adeptos como criticos. Quizás porque las unidades atacadas se enlentecian demasiado. Veremos cómo podemos hacer.

Lo de los dos tipos de estrategia no lo he entendido muy bien. Creo que veo por donde vas, pero me gustaría que profundizaras mas.

El tamaño del mapa, también un elemento con el que hay que ser muy cuidadoso. El que hice en WC3 creo que pecaba de ser demasiado pequeño.

Para hacer las carreteras me estuve peleando -en mis tiempos de iniciación con el editor, despues lo dejé hasta hace poco-, y vi que era dificil "jugar" con los tipos de terreno con los triggers y tal. Lo que había pensado era sencillamente que las carreteras fueran los depósitos de suministros bajados, y despues en triggers ir creando zonas y poder modificar el movimiento cuando los vehiculos entren y salgan de ellas.

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Mensajes : 112
Fecha de inscripción : 10/11/2010

[Proyecto] SC: Leaders Empty
MensajeTema: Re: [Proyecto] SC: Leaders   [Proyecto] SC: Leaders Icon_minitimeVie Mar 04, 2011 9:21 pm

Bueno, con lo de la estrategia, me refería a que lo unico estratégico de sc2 es saber que unidades sacar... es un constante piedra-papel-tijera-lagarto spoke

papel le gana a piedra, piedra a tijera, tijera a papel y lagarto spoke le gana a todo (thors, carriers, battlecruisers ultraliscos)

no tiene sentido tampoco que si en teoria, "lagato spoke" le gana a todo... luego no sirva para nada.... está equilibrado, pero con el equilibrio malo...

Hay dos tipos de equilibrio

1º Equilibrio del malo... es el tipico de (conjunto de unidades A B C D E)

A le gana 100% a B
C le gana 100% a A
D le gana 100% a C
E le gana 100% a D pero pierde 100% contra B

Ejemplo starcaftiano...

Marines > Zerglings > Persecutores > Cucarachas > Marines

Y todo el mundo sabe que la base terran y zerg son Marines-Marauders y Zerglings-Cucas...
con lo cual esta equilibrado, porque todos tienen las mismas posibilidades de ganar, pero se debate todo a suerte, a ver quien mata primero a una unidad y por números (starcraft son números pegandose, y luego les ponen el modelo) y por números pierdan...

La estrategia Buena, es la estrategia de pensar, en cuando usar tus herramientas para no malgastarlas y hacer que sean muy efectivas.... son los tipicos juegos en los que te dan un bazooka, y el bazooka es bestial, puedes matar lo que sea, y ademas seguro que lo matas, pero tienes 1 o 2 misiles.... asique, si, usar un bazooka esta bien, pero solo es una opcion...

Por ejemplo si el ejercito rival te saca 10 marines y 4 persecutores, teniendo tu solamente 5 marines, como ganarías?

Plantearte estas cosas e intentar darle una solución son las que hacen que se creen las estrategias (tanto a la hora de jugar como creando las unidades)

por ejemplo, hagamos que cada marine tenga un arma, pero este arma, no tiene munición infinita como en starcraft, y ademas, no solo tiene 1 forma de disparar...

Imaginemos esta situacion de los 10 marines y 5 persecutores haciendo guardia...

estos, van en peloton es decir, van juntos, y por lo tanto es una estrategia con Pros y con Contras...

Pros: La patrulla se encuentra con 7 fanáticos, los fanaticos cargan a por un soldado, el cual si estubiese suelto, tendría que esperar a sus compañeros para que el enemigo reciba el maximo impacto (todos atacvando a la vez) en cambio al ir todos juntos, el alcance del enemigo y del peloton son el mismo, por lo tanto se realiza más daño (matematicamente hablando)

Contras: Ataques en area y desde distintos flancos pueden destrozar al peloton en segundos

Es decir... volviendo a la situacion como 5 marines pueden vencer a 10 marines y 5 persecutores

El peloton, que va en masa... esta formado por Marines que llevan un fusil el cual se dispara por un gatillo y todos hemos jugado shooters y sabemos que se puede disparar en ráfagas o disparo manual...

Entonces, Para hacer que un juego tenga estratégia, estos marines deberían tener dos formas de disparar...

Ambas usando (por ejemplo) 5 balas
1º Disparo "único" a un solo objetivo es decir disparos concentrados a un objetivo usando esas 5 balas
2º Disparo en ráfaga que no dispara a un objetivo, sino a un punto, y que reparte esas 5 balas entre los objetivos

Imagiando que Un soldado aguanta 4 balas antes de que la herida sea grave y muera...

tendría 4 puntos de vida, y pensando que la armadura de los terran pueden resistir 3 impactos de bala (en un mismo sitio)
la armadura sería 3

(la "estrategia" de blizzard, hace que cuando el daño sea = o inferior a la armadura, el daño se establezca en 1 (baja la armadura en 1)

esto, me parece una soberana estupidez, pero bueno el unico otro sistema que da blizzard sería utilizar los escudos a base de armadura (que si, es otra opción y de hecho te voy a plantear la teoria)

Los marines tienen 0 Armadura 0 Armadura de escudo, pero... tienen 3 de Escudo y 4 de vida, 7 en total

Y los marauders, que llevan una armadura pesada, tienen 4 de vida (genérico para infantería terran) y 4 de escudo 8 en total

En el caso de que la emboscada de 5 marines contra 10 marines y 5 persecutores cada marine ataque muy separado el uno del otro

Ahora, todos los marines disparan en ráfaga al mismo tiempo es decir atacan a 5 objetivos como maximo en un area (donde se encuentra el peloton)

el peloton recibe (primero) 5 impactos a 5 unidades, es decir 25 de daño en la primera ráfaga...

el peloton, ataca en modo disparo Cada bala, tarda 0.1 segundo en salir del arma
es decir en modo disparo se ataca 1 cada 0.1 segundos (y no meto tema de recarga de balas....)
los 10 marines tardan en 0.1 segundos en disparar 10 balas que equivalen a 10 de daño (repartido en como sea entre los 5 marines, recordemos que cada marine debe recibir 7 disparos 3 de armadura y 4 de vida antes de morir) en el segundo 0.2 (segundo ataque de la emboscada) que lanza otra vez, 5 disparos a 5 objetivos diferentes en un área... es decir otros 25 de daño, repartidos entre 5 unidades del peloton... imaginemos que 1 de los soldados del peloton ha tenido tan mala suerte que ha recibido 7 disparos y ha muerto, asique el peloton se reduce a 9 soldados y 5 persecutores, estos (persecutores) aun estan fijando objetivo, pues deben lanzar 1 misil, y eso no es algo tán rapido como disparar una bala, asique... el peloton ahora con 9 soldados, dispara 9 disparos directos en 0.1 segundos, es decir 9 de daño más, y como el peloton está formado por soldados especiales y no por mancos, todos intentan apuntar a los menos objetivos posibles para matar mas y minimizar lso daños entrantes, suigiendo esta "norma" 2 de los soldados del ataque habrían muerto, y aún quedan 3, los cuales disparan otra vez en ráfaga, y disparan a 5 objetivos 15 de daño en total, es decir en total llevamos 13 ataques de la emboscada, los cuales lanzan 5 balas que impactan cada 1 sobre un objetivo diferente 13 x 5 65, 65 de daño que se divide entre los 15 objetivos de forma no equitativa es decir influye el azar y por lo tanto no es algo que seguro funcione, pero puede funcionar, imaginemos que hemos tenido suerte y ahora, 7 que estaban muy mal heridos de los dos otros ataques, han muerto quedando el peloton, en 2 soldados, y 5 persecutores , los soldados del peloton, disparan otra vez, y consiguen matar a otro de los asaltantes, los persecutores ya casi han fijado el misil, aun les falta un 0.1 más para disparar.
ahora los 2 soldados que quedan del equipo asaltante, vuelven a atacar en ráfaga, y matan no solo a los 2 soldados del peloton, sino tb a un persecutor. Los persecutores han fijado el misil, y lo han disparado, los 4 misiles, impactan sobre los dos soldados (supongamos 3 para 1 y 1 para el otro) y mueren los dos asaltantes que quedaban.

Resultado final

10 soldados y 5 persecutores pierden 10 soldados y un persecutor contra 5 marines

Y esto, ha sido sin usar contador de balas (que es lo que más estrategia da aa cualquier juego)
puesto que en ese peloton, cualquera de los soldados, podría haberse quedado sin munición en el cargador, teniendo que recargar y perdiendo tiempo y disparos...

Todo esto se haría simplemente poniendo dos armas a los marines, 1 que dispare de forma directa, inesquivable, y que haga 1 de daño cada 0.1 segundos, y otra, que ataque en area y por lo tanto sea esquivable, que tenga un máximo de 5 objetivos y que haga 1 de daño cada 0.1 segundo

luego añadiendole un tiempo de carga de disparo a los persdecutores de 0.4 segundos, que es lo que tarda en fijar un misil... (más un cooldown para recargar un nuevo misil

Si añadimos cargadores con munición se hace mucho más divertido, sería añadir un contador de munición a cada unidad, y un número de cargadores que aumentan la munición (mejor dicho, la establece a un número fijo)
ajustando los cooldowns y los cargadores te queda una estrategia de la buena buena (la que tienen la mayoria de juegos obre las guerras recientemente pasadas y actuales)

Perdon por el Mega post si esto no es a lo que te referias con estrategia u.u


Por cierto, hay un chapado terran que quedaría mejor en lugar de los suministors bajados.
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Mensajes : 13
Fecha de inscripción : 03/03/2011

[Proyecto] SC: Leaders Empty
MensajeTema: Re: [Proyecto] SC: Leaders   [Proyecto] SC: Leaders Icon_minitimeSáb Mar 05, 2011 12:46 am

Uooo! Pedazo de post Bélsel!

Era esa estrategia pero no era esa estrategia a la que me refería. Me explico. Lo que tú describes ocurre a un nivel bajo, de micromanejo de unidades. A mí parece igual de interesante hacerlo a un nivel de decisiones más "macro", como las que digo de "convierto este edificio que nadie controla aqui al ladito, sin oposición, o intento luchar por el edificio que acaba de convertir el rival?", "mejoro este edificio a riesgo de que me lo conviertan al momento?", "construyo el add-on al convertir un edificio o arriesgo y uso los recursos en otro lado?", o "intento ir guardando puntos de victoria -un recurso- o los uso todos cuanto antes para coger ventaja?".

Sinceramente, no me gusta cómo lo hace el starcraft a ninguno de los dos niveles. A nivel bajo, de control de unidades, llega un punto en que depende de la cantidad de unidades y de la suerte como tú dices -por esto busco en este juego una menor escala en el número de unidades. Y a nivel macro, es que no lo veo, veo replays de pros y las decisiones a este nivel me parecen triviales, todos toman las mismas. No hay ni que pensar cuánto inviertes en mejorar la economia o cuánto inviertes en ejercito. Sabes que haces como 15-20 curritos por conjunto de minerales, haces ejercito, y cuando estén los minerales al 30% o asi expandes. No es fácil hacer harass a los curritos porque están todos en el mismo sitio. No se, me parece un juego poco interesante, poco dinámico, por ejemplo cuando lo comparo con el AoE2 que me encantó. Ojo: esto que digo seguramente sea porque soy paquete al sc2.

Ahora bien, por qué no tener ese rango de decisiones macro que describo arriba Y el rango de decisiones micro que describes tú? Puede ser demasiado, no lo se -es imposible saberlo hasta que hayamos probado el juego. Tú post me ha hecho pensar mucho. Por el momento, mi idea era tener tipos de unidades con bonus de ataque contra otras, justo lo que tú describes como equilibrio del malo. Pero hay que pensar que en mi juego tambien entran en juego los rangos de las unidades. Pueden ser demasiadas variables si metemos también dos tipos de ataque para cada tipo de unidad.

Mencionas la munición y cargadores como método interesante de equilibrio, pero por qué parar ahí y no hablar de cansancio o heridas de las unidades que minan su rendimiento? o la moral de las unidades? (curiosamente yo habia pensado meter la variable de la moral, pero a un nivel muy simple: los unidades "lider" tendrán un area a su alrededor donde sus unidades reciban un pequeño bonus de combate)
Sin desmerecer el ejemplo que describes, ya que lo veo muy interesante si funciona bien, la sensación que tengo es que ir a un nivel tan bajo como el concepto de "municion" de las unidades ya ha sido probado antes por desarrolladores de RTS de diferentes maneras, y no ha resultado satisfactorio. Creo que una vez leí algo de que ese tipo de cosas -munición, moral baja, etc-, al final terminaban por crear frustracion en los jugadores.

Parece que te haya tirado piedras Bélsel, pero por favor no pienses eso. He visto que estás ayudando con varios proyectos...hágamos algo: este mapa que propongo va a ir para largo, así que por ahora no ayudes -salvo teorizar y discutir, que siempre viene bien. Cuando tenga el "core" funcionando -el terreno, todo lo de los edificios neutrales, conversión de edificios, etc-, podemos probar varias maneras de enfocar la estrategia a nivel de micromanejo -yo soy el primero que quiero probar cosas, innovar y romper moldes. Por ahora, se me ocurre que leas, si quieres, el documento entero de diseño del juego que tengo bastante elaborado (cómo llevas el inglés? lo puedo traducir si es necesario), a fin de que tengas una idea más completa de lo que tengo en mente.

Gracias de veras por el interés Smile

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Mensajes : 112
Fecha de inscripción : 10/11/2010

[Proyecto] SC: Leaders Empty
MensajeTema: Re: [Proyecto] SC: Leaders   [Proyecto] SC: Leaders Icon_minitimeSáb Mar 05, 2011 11:18 am

unjugon escribió:
Uooo! Pedazo de post Bélsel!

Lo que tú describes ocurre a un nivel bajo, de micromanejo de unidades.

Parece que te haya tirado piedras Bélsel, pero por favor no pienses eso.

Te juro que ha sido ver esas dos cosas y mi cabeza ha comenzado a Arrow en plan niña del exorcista...

xD lo primero, lo del micreo, lo que yo describo es puro micreo, el peloton va junto, eso es una tecnica de micro, ademas no dispara en rafaga perdiendo municion a los soldados los cuales estan dispuestos de forma MUY separada, y luego los asaltantes se colocan dispersos y disparan en rafaga para dañar en menos tiempo.

^Eso es micreo... o si no... ya entiendo porque pierdo tanto en sc2 xD

y lo de tirarte piedras, enserio que no lo entiendo, es algo malo? es bueno? hombre, supongo que tirar piedras no es bueno xD

Enserio, lo único que me has tirao son ideas, de hecho ayer estube probando un monton de sistemas para tu mapa (y me lo pase genial haciendo que los marienes se tubiesen que dar la vuelta para atacaro que no corriesen tanto y ademas tubiesen unos 0.5 segundos para alcanzar su velocidad maxima.. xD ademas aprendi a manejar más las habilidades, y lo mejor, un poco más los actores... aunque sigo sin saber como ajustar para que el soldado haga la animacion de atacar cuando lanza la habilidad, y que lo rapita todas las veces que se hace....

No se exactamente que significa "parece que te haya tirao piedras" pero estoy seguro que eso es lo ultimo que yo pienso xD


PD: sep, se hablar decentemente la lengua de shakespeare
achique no te cortes mandando cosas....
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Mensajes : 13
Fecha de inscripción : 03/03/2011

[Proyecto] SC: Leaders Empty
MensajeTema: Re: [Proyecto] SC: Leaders   [Proyecto] SC: Leaders Icon_minitimeSáb Mar 05, 2011 1:32 pm

No tengo tiempo para escribir el mensaje como me gustaria ni darle formato al documento de diseño, pero aqui pongo lo que he podido por ahora. Lo editaré despues.



Project with provisional name "Starcraft: Leaders" is a SC2 map that takes ideas from many RTS games, and represents a completely new and complex small-scale RTS experience set in the universe of Starcraft. Up to 6 players face off in a somewhat small and open map with different buildings scattered around. Players fight for these buildings and make the best use of them to reach victory.


Arcturus Mengsk had been the smartest kid on the block, in the class, and in the group of rebels that were to be known as the Sons of Korhal, so in a sense it wasn´t surprising that he came up with a brilliant idea. But this one was to change the Universe…forever. The other Terran factions´ leaders would have labelled Mengsk idea as pure madness –they did not have the clarity of mind that Mengsk possessed, that detached way to think about matters without letting feelings interfere. The Protoss were too proud to even consider anything remotely similar. And the Zerg were…impulsive, instinctive, protective.

Standing up, alone in the command area inside the Hyperion, Mengsk looked back at the chess board that showed the final position of the pieces from the game he had just played. He found himself suddenly marvelling at the elegant depth of chess and its pieces, at how each one offered different possibilities and covered weaknesses of others…and then the idea struck him. “Kerrigan with her ghost powers has given us a new dimension and made the Confederates, finally, fear us”, he thought, and gently picked up a pawn from the board, and looked at it intently for some seconds while rotating it with his fingers. “Just one small piece…”, he said out loud. “What if we got hold of one of those monstrous Zerg specimens –how do they call them? Oh right, “ultralisks”-, or one of those huge Protoss carrier ships…”, and he picked up a rook and a knight from the chess board. Mengsk thoughts didn´t just stop there: “Wait, why not both? How could ANYONE defeat an army that consisted of mixed Terran, Zerg, and Protoss forces; of siege tanks, ghosts, ultralisks, and carriers? A combination of the best elements in each race would prove unstoppable...”.

Key Features

* 7 different Leaders to choose from, each one representing a different headquarters/faction.
* More than 30 types of Warriors that can go up in ranks.
* Advanced “building claiming” system that keeps the focus changing from one part of the map to another.
* Focus on a fast start and the early-game gameplay options.
* 2 different victory conditions.


- Minerals (M): classic RTS resource obtained via various methods.
- Victory Points (VPs): more abstract resource. It is shared by all the members of a team. The game can be won if the team reaches a certain amount of VPs.
- Headquarters (HQs): players´ main building; destroying all headquarters of the oposing team wins the game. Each player has one.
- Leader: special units that can convert buildings and support the army, and that can be revived. Leaders will be characters from the main SC2 story/campaign. Each player controls 1 Leader that represents the HQ.
- Warriors: mainstream units trained at 4 neutral buildings, can go up in ranks.
- Unique Warriors: Warriors trained at the headquarters of a Leader. Can also go up in ranks.
- Mercenaries: powerful units trained at a lone neutral building. Cost minerals, and then some VP per second to keep them as allies. Can be dismissed at any point, and they disappear.
- Minions: units that are created automatically near the player´s HQ and auto-attack-move the enemy HQs -they are uncontrollable. They are Terran, Zerg or Protoss depending on the Leader, but all have the same attack/hit points.
- Converting a building: a Leader unit channels an ability close to a building and after a time the owner of the Leader gets to be the owner of the building -similar to the Warlords Battlecry series.
- Capturing a building: an engineer-type unit enters the building and instantly the owner of the Engineer gets to be the owner of the building.
- Claiming a building: general term - a Leader converting a building or an Engineer capturing a building.
- Neutral building: building that can be claimed by players to make use of it. Can be upgraded, but the upgrade stays if an enemy converts it. Cannot be destroyed.
- Player building: building that belongs to a player and cannot be claimed by the enemy, only destroyed.


Found on the map

- Headquarters (HQ): player´s main building; there are 7 different ones, 1 for each Leader. Each HQ offers 3 types of Unique Warriors, 1 unique technology, and 12 racial technologies. HQ cannot be claimed. They have a lot of HPs, and destroying the enemy HQs wins the game. Can be upgraded twice. Produces 3 minerals and 1 VP per second passively and supports 20 supply. Each level of HQ increases supply by 6.

- Mineral Deposit: neutral building that produces 3 minerals per second passively for the owner. There are 4 on the map. Can be upgraded once to produce +1.5 minerals/second. Resource-producing buildings have infinite resources.

- Special Mineral Deposit: neutral building that produces 3 minerals per second passively for the owner. Can be upgraded once to produce +1 mineral/second and +0.5 VP/second. All mineral deposits owned produce an extra +1 mineral/second. Can heal a unit nearby for a cost in minerals.

- Neutral Headquarters (NHQ): neutral building located on the center of the map. Provides 2.5 VP/second, and mercenaries are hired here. Only one on the map. Can be upgraded once to produce +1 VP/second and to unlock training of Mercenaries. Has technologies that improve the durability of the owner´s HQs, and also offers upgrades for Mercenaries. Upgrades for Leaders might be available here.

- Academy of War: neutral building that offers 12 different neutral Warriors for training. Can be upgraded twice to unlock better Warriors. At level 3, there´s a technology that gives bonus starting xp for newly trained neutral Warriors from that AoW. There are 6 on the map: 4 in the neutral zone and 1 of each of the team zones. The ones in team zones can only be converted by players of the team, and upgrading them might be more expensive than the neutral ones.

- Training Camp: neutral building. Warriors can enter this building for a cost -and disappear from the map- to accelerate the process of going up in ranks. It would be like an investment. The owner of the building can call these Warriors back to action at any time. If the building is claimed by an enemy then the Warriors inside it show up on the map again. Also offers upgrades for Warriors, and passively grants the owner´s Warriors on the map +1 bonus xp per second. Can be upgraded once to unlock unit upgrades and increase xp bonus to +2/second.

- Outpost: neutral building located on the top left and bottom right corners. The owner can set Minion spawn point at them. Also produces +1 VP/second passively and gives a passive 10% bonus movement speed to all of the owner´s units. Offers some upgrades for Minions (1- increased damage/speed, 2- makes a second batch available on the map at the same time). Can be upgraded once to give +0.5 VP/second, increase supply limit by 4 (meaning a lvl 2 Outpost would increase supply limit of the owner by a total of 6), and increase by 1 the number of minions per batch.

- Radar: neutral building, two on the map, they offer huge LOS around them to the owner and an ability to scan a small area of the map to scout and/or detect invisible units. Can reveal the entire map for 5 seconds with a long cooldown. The leader unit of the owner receives +1 charisma.


- Can be built at claimed neutral buildings and HQs. If a neutral building claimed by an enemy has an add-on, this needs to be destroyed before claiming it. Add-ons detect invisible/cloacked units in the vicinities. Add-ons take 1 supply and cost around 75 minerals and 25 VP.
- The add-on for Terran leaders is an average-damage turret.
- The add-on for Zerg leaders is a nydus worm that can transport the player units to another nydus worm.
- The add-on for Protoss leaders is a pylon that regenerates 1 HP and 1 energy per second to the nearby player units.

Buildable buildings

Some Warriors can build destructable buildings that cannot be claimed by an enemy. These buildings cannot have an add-on, and take 1 supply -except Supply Depots which use no supply. The following is a list of them:

- Supply Depot
- Planetary Fortress
- Repair Camp
- Auto-turret
- Starport
- Special Pylon
- Watch Tower
- Bunker
- Barracks


- A neutral building only benefits the player who owns it, ie. his allies can´t make use of / do not benefit from it -except buildings that produce VP, of course.
- HQs of Protoss Leaders also serve as shield batteries.
- HQs of Zerg Leaders are surrounded by creep that heals the player units.
- HQs of Terran Leaders have more HPs and upgrading them improves attack and HP of their add-on turret.
- Each neutral building gives +2 supply limit to the owner.
- Upgrading a building costs around 75 VP. Perhaps 100 VP for a few of them.
- In 2v2 and 3v3 games, resource-producing buildings -especially for VP- might produce slightly more resources/second.
- Players can claim neutral buildings owned by allies. Leaders will convert these buildings almost instantly, and Engineers will come back to the map almost instantly after capturing it.
- Still to be defined what happens with regards to resources and buildings when a player leaves the game.


- Resources will primarily be obtained passively by owning certain neutral buildings which have an infinite amount of them; however, there will be more ways to obtain them / increase their production. There are 2 types of resources:

- Minerals: general purpose resource used for most units, unit upgrades, and technologies, and for Terran Leaders when using most unit abilities .
Terran Leaders will have Unique Warriors and/or unique upgrades/techs to improve mineral production beyond the capabilities of Zerg/Protoss Leaders.
Zerg Leaders will get back 10% of the mineral cost of Warriors.
*The idea is that Terran Leaders will gather the most minerals, while Zerg ones get some minerals back from units lost, and Protoss units have the shield to make their units more durable and having to spend less minerals to replace them.

- VPs: team-shared resource which goal is to have members of a team coordinate and plan an overall strategy in advance. As this resource can be saved for reaching victory, a decision is to be made as to whether to use a lot of this resource to try and get an advantage or come back into the game, or save it to try to reach the victory condition faster. I envisage this new dynamic will add depth to the game. Players have to decide if they want to use it asap to gain an advantage, or to save as much of it as possible, or to save a little constantly to keep building it up, etc.

VP is used:
1) for upgrading buildings.
2) for using some above-average unit abilities.
3) for different mechanics within each race:
--> for Protoss Leaders´ units, VP can be used to instantly regenerate shields -these units have a low-cooldown ability that is be active only if the player has enough of this resource to replenish all of the unit´s shield, the cost being proportionate to the damage on the shield. Note that no matter the race of a Warrior/other, if a Protoss Leader owns it, the unit has the classic Protoss shield.
--> for Terran Leaders, VP can be used to increase the combat efficiency of add-ons turrets and for building them much faster.
--> Zerg Leaders will be able to choose whether to pay for his Unique Warriors in minerals or in VP.
4) for training most Warriors -small % of VP from the total cost.
5) for paying Mercenaries.

VP is obtained:
- Passively while a player´s HQ is up.
- By controlling the NHQ.
- By controlling Outposts.
- By not letting Starports be destroyed.
- Terran Leaders also get +0.5 VP/second per neutral building owned.
- By enemy minions dying in the neutral zone.
- By enemy leaders dying (VP = 20 + 20*lvl of enemy HQ).

Map Layout and Terrain

Terrain Types

- Are actually Supply Depots that have been lowered.
- Explosions destroy it.
- Vehicles move faster on it.

- Vehicles move slower in it.
- Some units have specific bonuses whn fighting in it.
- Explosions destroy it, leaving fire for some seconds.
- Unit LOS is dramatically shortened, giving melee units an advantage.

High Ground
- Ranged units have an advantage -bonus damage or units moving slower from lower to higher ground.


There are 7 different Leaders or factions to choose from in the pre-game lobby -3 Terran, 2 Zerg, and 2 Protoss-, while choosing "random Leader" will also be possible.
- Each Leader implies:
> A different Leader unit.
> A different "headquarters" type of building, with access to 3 Unique Warriors and a unique technology.
> 2 different unique bonuses.

Leaders share some technologies and bonuses with others of the same race –ie. all Terran leaders have some technologies and bonuses in common.
More Leaders could be added to the map in the future.

Terran leaders tend to have a defensive/tactical playstyle, are quite versatile, and benefit more from map control. Their play can be organized or erratic -thanks to their various explosives. They can go from a defensive position to a quick assault on the enemies´s HQs and end the game then and there.

Zerg leaders tend to combine numerous weak units with a few powerful ones, making their army awkward to counter. Furthermore, they are especially unpredictable early game. Their armies have a high degree of mobility and give back some resources upon dying, promoting an aggressive playstyle.

Protoss leaders tend to use fewer but more powerful units, all of which can instantly refill their psi shields in combat. All this makes these leaders ideal for players that love micromanagement -their units only grow stronger as the game goes on.

- Leader units are not much more powerful than normal units, have average HPs, and are revived automatically at the HQ after some time -they are invisible for some time after reviving. A leader unit dying produces 40/60/80 -depending on the lvl of HQs of the owner of the leader- VP for the enemy team
They won´t walk around murdering units at will –they are more support-oriented-; however, there´s the possibility of turning the Leader into a powerful unit if the player heavily invests in it. Leader units have a “Charisma” attribute that translates into a "command radius" in which allied units fight better.
Higher charisma means a larger command radius –represented in-game as a circle with the Leader unit in the middle-, improved combat bonuses for the player units inside this radius (+1 damage and +3% move speed per charisma point), and reduced building conversion time (-1 second per charisma point). Building conversion time is initially set at 18 seconds, and Leaders start with 1 or 2 points of charisma -depends on the Leader.

- Apart from "Convert building", Leaders -as in Leader units- will have 2 abilities which have a shared cooldown, and which will be available from the start:
1) Fast Convert Building: This ability converts the nearby building in 2 seconds, and is used to speed up the early game and get things going.
2) One unique ability

- Leader units take 5 supply always.
- Some abilities that permanently improve the stats of units work on leaders, but these "permanent" benefits to stats are lost if the leader unit dies.
- Each time a player clicks to upgrade the HQ, a dialog pops-up prompting the owner to select an upgrade for the Leader unit, which are different for the different leaders. There are 6 possible upgrades, once a player chooses one of them to upgrade the HQ to level 2, only 5 remain, which are offered to the player when upgrading the HQ to level 3. One of them is paritcular to each leader -an upgrade to the Leader ability. Two of them are shared for all leaders:
1) adds the "Gather" ability to the leader unit, so all of the player units run towards the leader unit with improved move speed.
2) gives another 2 charges of the "Fast Convert building" ability.

Terran Leaders

- +0.5 VP and +0.5 minerals every second per neutral building owned.


Offensive tree
- Sniper shot ability added to leader units. (lvl 1 HQs)
- +20 HP and +4 damage vs buildings for Mules/SCVs/MCVs and engineers, and they build structures 25% faster. (lvl 2 HQs)
- +15% damage to explosions. (lvl 3 HQs)

Turtling tree
- +10% HP for buildings and they regenerate HP faster.
- Can use minerals to slowly repair buildings.
- Buildable buildings cost half VP.

Utility/Army tree
- Allows SCVs, MCVs, and Mules to build Barracks.
- Produces an SCV/MCV/Mule -depending on the Leader-, a Marine, and a Berserker/Ghost/Vulture instantly at the HQs.
- +2 limit to Marines, and a rank 3 Marine can be summoned instantly at each Supply Depot.


- Add-on for buildings is an average damage turret.
- Their units´ abilities cost minerals.
- Starts the game with an engineer, and 2 marines.
- 3 upgrades to the leader unit common to all Terran leaders:
1) +2 Charisma
2) +60 HP and +1 armor
3) Improved Sniper Shot ability (check if another technology tree has already been chosen)


Terran Leader 1 - Arcturus Mengsk (1 charisma) (ranged)

Leader ability:
- Kamikaze: the player´s vehicle closest to the leader is ordered to crash against an enemy unit or building, increasing its move speed and exploding upon contact -and dying in the process. Damages the target enemy for 1,5x the number of hit points left on the kamikazing unit. Explosion does light AoE damage. If the target enemy survives the crash, it is slowed for 5 seconds.

Unique bonuses:
- Starts with a random neutral building claimed.
- "Fast convert building" ability has endless uses/charges, but with a high cooldown -like 2 minutes.

Unique technology:
- 200 + (10 * minutes into the game) minerals to the player instantly, but loses 0.5% of that amount per second for 200 seconds. No cost. Can be used twice. (lvl 2 HQs)

Unique Warriors:
- Mule: 140 M 15 VP, tier 2, 4 supply, normal damage in melee range, vehicle. It is pretty sturdy, and can gather resources from Mineral deposits. Resources are dumped at the HQs; the longer the trip, the higher number of minerals gained. Builds structures faster than other builders.
Ability at 1st rank: can build Supply Depots, which have several uses. They can be used to block terrain when built together -they are dirt cheap. They can be lowered so units can walk across them, increasing the speed of vehicles, but they cannot be raised back. Finally, an allied unit can enter a Supply Depot, getting healed a bit and increasing its attack damage by 1 permanently; the Supply Depot explodes after 5 seconds.
Ability at 2nd rank: can build Bunkers. A few unit types are able to enter bunkers to add firepower and be safe.
- Ghost: 120 M 30 VP, tier 2, 3 supply, penetrating damage, slow movement speed and low HP, high damage and range. It is invisible. Can enter bunkers.
Ability at 1st rank: "Lockdown", stops an enemy unit for some time, but makes it unable to be attacked also. Can be used to stop channeling abilities like leaders´ Convert Building.
Ability at 2nd rank: "Nuke", can be used once to create a delayed explosion and do high damage in a big AoE.
- Thor: 230 M 85 VP, tier 3, 6 supply, vehicle. Very high normal damage at medium range, and high armor. Does +50% damage in melee. When a player´s unit dies near the Thor, its next attack will do 15% of its current HP as bonus damage.
Ability at 1st rank: the Thor can deploy permanently into a fortress-like building which offers various benefits: large LOS and HP, average damage attack, and acts as a Barracks, drop-off point for minerals, and Starport. This takes 3 supply and can be destroyed.
Ability at 2nd rank: passive, the Thor explodes when killed, doing high damage to both allies and enemies nearby. Can be comboed with "Kamikaze".

An especially erratic and unpredictable Leader. It can use every tech tree succesfully.
The offensive tree goes well with its erratic nature. The turtling tree reinforces map control which certainly a good approach for this Leader when comboed with Ghosts and bunkers. The utility tree is less specialized but goes well with its unique tech.


Terran Leader 2 - Gerard DuGalle (1 charisma) (ranged)
Leader ability:
- Siege Warfare: temporarily increases damage against buildings for units in the command radius, and makes allied attacking buildings fire faster.

Unique bonuses:
- Starts with +100 minerals, and mineral deposits produce a further +0.5/+1 minerals/second.
- +1 armor to the player units when near allied buildings.

Unique technology:
- Can lift / reposition Watch Towers, Supply Depots, Barracks, and engineers´ Auto-turret and Starport buildings.

Unique Warriors:
- MCV: 105 M 15 VP, tier 2, 3 supply, normal damage in melee range, vehicle. Can gather resources from Mineral deposits. Can also repair vehicles and heal other allied units.
Ability at 1st rank: can build Supply Depots.
Ability at 2nd rank: can build an inexpensive Watch tower, which detects invisible units nearby, has a lowish attack, and can act as drop-off point for minerals.
-Vulture: 180 M 10 VP, tier 2, 4 supply, siege damage at long range, cannot attack air, vehicle. After attacking, it moves faster for 3 seconds -does not stack.
Ability at 1st rank: can place mines which explode when enemies tread nearby. It starts with a limit of 3, but receives another 3 every time it goes up in rank.
Ability at 2nd rank: can pick up / reposition placed mines.
-Wraith Carrier: 200 M 60 VP, tier 3, 5 supply. Air unit, moderate normal damage and high HP. Can transport units. Its attacks create a delayed explosion at the position of the target.
Ability at 1st rank: toggable, it moves very fast, but is unable to attack.
Ability at 2nd rank: toggable, it receives 50% less damage from attacks, but cannot attack. Activating one ability deactivates the other one.

This Leader goes better with a more controlled approach to the game, in which fights take place there where the player wants them to be, this is, near its buildings. Enemies that try to hit at several spots at once can be discouraged by proper use of Vultures and Wraith Carriers. Although the turtling tree seems like the best choice, the others can also be used effectively and might surprise opponents.


Terran Leader 3 - Samir Duran ( 2 charisma) (melee)
Leader ability:
- "Group healing": heals the player units inside the command radius, and gives them a small, instant, xp bonus. The healing does not work on vehicles. As the number of units affected increases, the healing per unit amount decreases. Healing-per-unit amount has a maximum and minimum value.

Unique bonuses:
- SCVs and Engineers move 15% faster when no enemies are nearby.
- Tier 1 neutral warriors are 15% cheaper.

Unique technology:
- Limits the number of Berserkers to 1, but this one is replaced for free everytime it dies -a new one appears at the HQs after 30 seconds.

Unique Warriors:
- SCV: 95 M 5 VP, tier 1, 2 supply, normal damage in melee range, low HP, vehicle. Can gather resources from Mineral deposits. Moves faster than other builders.
Ability at 1st rank: can build Supply Depots.
Ability at 2nd rank: can build Repair Camps, where vehicles are efficiently repaired.
- Berserker: 145 M 45 VP, tier 2, 4 supply, vehicle. Goliath-like, slow but powerful, normal damage and ranged attack. Cannot be targeted by enemy abilities.
Ability at 1st rank: "Berserk", active, it becomes uncontrollable, attacking the closest enemy unit or looking for it until it is destroyed. It receives +75% attack speed and +25% move speed.
Ability at 2nd rank: "Barrage/Hunter-seeker missile", active; when cast on an enemy unit, it is a homing missile that explodes when it collides with its target. The enemy can see which unit has been targeted, and has to be at a minimum distance. If cast on the terrain, it fires a barrage of projectiles in a cone front of him.
- Sapper: 80 M 100 VP, tier 3, 5 supply. Melee unit with average explosive damage and HP, but high move speed. Can jump to access ground at different heights.
Ability at 1st rank: Places a bomb that has to be detonated manually by clicking again on the ability. Only 1 available at a time. It is invisible after 5 seconds, and until then can be destroyed.
Ability at 2nd rank: "Timed Bomb", places an invisible mine that will explode after 10 seconds. Allies can see the timer.

As with every Terran Leader, map control if of utmost important to this Leader; however, it uses a different method to achieve it. It looks for battles in which it outnumbers enemies, and uses the AoE heal to make sure that battle is won, and then claim that piece of land. By constantly battling, opponents are always busy, which means SCVs and Engineers have complete freedom to gather resources/build structures and capture buildings elsewhere.

Zerg Leaders

- 15% of the cost of Warriors is returned to the player upon death.


Unique Warriors tree
- Unique Warriors are 10% cheaper, and can be paid for in either minerals or VPs.
- +1 larvae, and Unique Warriors can be trained 75% faster for 25% extra cost.
- All Warriors produced 20% faster.

Creep/Broodling tree
- Adds the "Spawn Broodlings" ability to the leader unit.
- Player units that die on creep produce a Broodling.
- +20% attack damage to the player units while on creep.

Zerging/map control tree
- Outposts produce +0.5/+1 VP per second.
- Baneling´s explosion can be used to disable buildable buildings temporarily -ie. turrets stop attacking, etc.
- All units move 10% faster, and 2 uncontrollable Broodlings are created with every minion batch.

- Add-on for buildings is a Nydus worm that can transport units between them.
- Unit abilities cost health.
- Starts the game with an engineer, an infestor, and a broodling.
- 3 upgrades to the leader unit common to all Zerg leaders:
1) +1 Charisma and +30 move speed
2) Burrow ability added to the leader unit.
3) Improved Spawn Broodlings ability (check if another technology tree has already been chosen)


Zerg Leader 1 - Sarah Kerrigan (1 charisma)
Leader ability:
- X - When cast on an allied unit, it receives +2 armor and creates creep as it walks for 15 seconds -creep lasts for 1 minute. Can be used on the terrain to create creep in an AoE that lasts all game.

Unique bonuses:
- +3 HP/sec regeneration to units while on creep.
- +2 limit to Zerglings and they need less xp to go up in ranks.

Unique technology:
- A Zergling and a Broodling are created instantly at every add-on. Can be used twice.

Unique Warriors:
- Zergling: 50 M 5 VP (60M / 24 VP), tier 1, 2 pop, normal damage from melee, fast movement and attack speed, low HP. +2 accumulative damage everytime it attacks the same unit, does not work on buildings.
Ability at 1st rank: "Critical hit", passive, reduces the armor of units or buildings it hits by 1 for 5 seconds. Stacks with attacks from different rank 1+ Zerglings.
Ability at 2nd rank: : "Frenzy": active, its attack speed is doubled for 5 seconds. Every enemy unit it kills during this time will heal the Zergling for 50 HP.
- Predator: 210 M 35 VP (270 M / 110 VP), tier 3, 4 supply, explosive damage, average damage and HP, medium range. +1 HP/sec regeneration per 10% of health missing, but only if there are enemies nearby.
Ability at 1st rank: "Consume" - active, steals 40 HP from an enemy and gives it to the Predator
Ability at 2nd rank: "Devour" - active, devours a tier 1 or 2 Warrior, with the target unit only coming back to the game if the Predator dies. Can only have one unit at a time devoured.
- Matriarch: 190 M 75 VP (340M / 135VP), tier 3, 5 supply, siege damage, melee. High damage and HP. +1 damage per 5% of health missing.
Ability at 1st rank: X - active; marks the target, reducing its armor by 2 for 10 seconds. When the Matriarch attacks it, it destroys energy if the unit is owned by a Protoss leader, minerals if it is Terran, and leeches HP if it belongs to a Zerg leader. (amount is one third of the damage inflicted to the unit)
Ability at 2nd rank: Extend Life: passive, every time it kills a unit, the Matriarch regains 40 HP, and gets +1 permanent damage. Can be used to give the Matriarch +70 extra max HP and +4 damage permanently, but the ability disappears.

This Leader, while being aggressive in nature, benefits -more than it seems initially- by choosing battles carefully and bringing a more methodological approach to the game. It is also especially unpredictable, as at moments it may seem that it is losing the game, but it actually is faking a full-out attack on key points of the map, by using Outposts and the Training Camp comboed with groups of Zerglings.


Zerg Leader 2 - Overmind (2 charisma) (ranged)
Leader ability:
- "Extend life" type of ability added to the player´s target warrior, castable up to 3 times on the same unit. A unit with this passive ability regains 10/15/20 HP each time one of the player´s units dies nearby, and gets +4/6/8 max HP permanently when it kills a unit. Does not work on vehicles. (costs 40 HP and 6 VP).

Unique bonuses:
- +5 VP returned upon death while on creep -for warriors-, and dying units produce creep below them.
- +5 supply limit.

Unique technology:
- +4 max HP to every unit per neutral building owned.

Unique warriors:
- Overgrown Zergling: 60 M 15 VP (90M / 36VP), tier 1, 2 supply, normal damage in melee. Moves slower but has 50% more HP than zerglings. Ignores up to 5 points of armor when attacking -works on buildings. Armor cannot go below zero, so attacking units with less than 5 armor means the Zergling is losing damage.
Ability at 1st rank: active, increases its movement and attack speed, but dies after 20 seconds.
Ability at 2nd rank: passive, kills any unit it attacks that has less than 40 HP remaining. Can be used to heal the zergling to full HP once, but the ability disappears.
- Scavenger: 100 M 45 VP (195M / 83VP), tier 2, 4 supply, explosive damage, slow melee unit, quite durable. +1 VP every time it attacks.
Ability at 1st rank: "Scavenge", active- can scavenge enemy corpses, getting some minerals and healing the scavenger a bit during some seconds.
Ability at 2nd rank: to choose one of 2 passive abilities. The first one gives the Scavenger +2 armor and doubles the healing effect from Scavenge, and the second one gives back 65 minerals and 25 VP when it dies and doubles the minerals obtained from Scavenge.
- Overlord: 225 M 35 VP (285M / 115VP), tier 3, 5 supply. No attack, average speed. Detects invisible units inside its LOS, and is able to transport units while healing them for 2 HP/second.
Ability at 1st rank: "Parasite", active, gives sight of the target enemy unit, which loses 1 HP/sec indefinitely. 2 Broodlings appear from it when it dies.
Ability at 2nd rank: "Rotten creep", active, creates an area of creep inside which enemy units have their attack damage and movement speed reduced. The area grows larger as more enemy units inside it die. After 1 minute, it becomes smaller gradually until it disappears.

This Leader is expected to hit at many places and often, and win battles by pure attrition, outlasting and outmassing opponents. Overgrown Zerglings and Scavengers are sturdy units for the cost, and only adds to the feeling that battles are constant, while being specialists at supporting big tier 3 Warriors or mercenaries. Some monster, high-rank tier 3 Warriors are achiavable with this Leader thanks to the leader unit ability.

Protoss Leaders

- Units have a psi shield that can be refilled instantly using some VPs, with a cooldown.


Building control tree
- Warp-in: The leader unit and mercenaries can warp-in to the player´s buildings.
- Improved conversion: Allows High Templars to convert buildings, and converting a building produces 20 VP.
- Newly claimed buildings are unclaimable by the enemy for 60 seconds.

Unit micromanage / baby-sitting tree
- Killing units produces a few VPs, and some when a Warrior goes up in rank.
- Unit upgrades are 20% cheaper and are researched 20% faster.
- Warriors are healed for 33% of their HP when they go up in rank.

Damage tree
- Gives units an ability that lets them increase their damage using some energy.
- +5 damage to minions and each one that makes it to the enemy zone produces 10 VP.
- Fanatism: Units do +25% damage when below 50% HP.

- Add-on for buildings is a Pylon that passively regenerates 1 HP/shield HP/energy per second of the player units nearby.
- Unit abilities cost energy.
- Starts the game with an Engineer, and a Mantis.
- 3 upgrades to the leader unit common to all Protoss leaders:
1) +5 damage
2) +30 shield HP and energy.
3) Improved Warp-in ability (check if another technology tree has already been chosen) (heals the leader a bit and gives it improved move speed for 5 seconds after using it)


Protoss Leader 1 - Executor Artanis (ranged, 1 charisma)
Leader ability:
- Charged shield: creates a shield around a player´s unit, which absorbs 50 damage. If the shield is not destroyed after 10 seconds, the target gets +5 max HP and +2 max shield HP permanently. Can be cast on self, but the bonuses disappear upon death.

Unique bonuses:
- +20% energy regeneration for units, and shields can also be refilled using energy.
- The NHQ acts as a shield battery.

Unique technology:
- Tier 1 neutral Warriors start with +33% xp from a level 3 AoW.

Unique Warriors:
-Probe v1: 45M 10VP, tier 1, 2 supply. Siege damage, more HP than damage, low speed, they receive +5 HP per player unit nearby.
1st ability: can be assigned to resource-producing buildings to increase production, but they cannot be called back and disappear if the building is claimed by the enemy. 1 supply when assigned to a building. +1 mineral/second when assigned to a Mineral Deposit, +0.5 VP/sec when assigned to the NHQ or Outpost
2nd ability: allows them to build a special Pylon that produces 1 VP in exchange for 1 mineral every second, and heals the player´s units nearby by 4 HP/second only if there are enemies nearby. Only one per Probe. Can be used to heal an allied warrior to full HP and to automatically increase the rank of a warrior by 1. Using any of these options has a cost associated with the tier of the target warrior, and destroys the Pylon.
- Dragoon: 110M 65VP, tier 2, 4 supply. Explosive damage, ranged, receives increased move speed for 3 seconds after it is attacked, can happen once every 10 seconds.
1st ability: "Blink"- active, blinks a short distance, and its next attack will do double damage.
2nd ability: passive, increases the dragoon´s attack range.
- Chameleon: 130M 90VP, tier 3, 5 supply. Melee/caster unit, deals more damage when it is under attack, and moves faster on jungle terrain.
1st ability: active, adopts the form -and rank/abilities- of a target enemy or allied unit for 30 seconds. The chameleon´s passive bonuses stay. Works on leaders.
2nd ability: active, after some seconds of channeling time, the Chameleon permanently adopts the form -and rank/abilities- of an enemy tier 1/2 Warrior, killing it in the process. The Chameleon´s passive bonuses, as well the extra HP from "Charged Shield", stay. Can go beyond unit-type limit.

This Leader benefits the most in the game from careful individual unit management. High tier warriors benefit naturally from this approach, but a group of high-rank, tier 1 Warriors can be surprisingly effective as well. Any route it goes, Probes should always be used to act as a meatshield of sorts so more important Warriors are not hopelessly outnumbered. This Leader does take a while to get going, but once there it is very hard to stop.


Protoss Leader 2 - Templar Zeratul (2 charisma)
Leader ability:
- "Killer instinct": Can be cast on an ally, giving it improved move speed, and increasing its damage by 25% when attacking units below 50% HP.

Unique bonuses:
- Probes v2 / Scarabs / Stalkers do +25% damage to buildings.
- Upgrades for the HQs and AoW cost 25% less.

Unique technology:
- Every upgrade to a building produces instantly a Probe v2 if there is supply available and unit type limit is not reached.

Unique Warriors:
-Probe v2: 40M 20VP, tier 1, 2 supply. Siege damage, more damage than HP, low speed, they receive +1 damage per player unit nearby.
1st ability: can be assigned to resource-producing buildings to increase production, but they cannot be called back, and disappear if the building is claimed by the enemy. 1 supply when assigned to a building. +1 mineral/second when assigned to a Mineral Deposit, +0.5 VP/sec when assigned to the NHQ or Outpost. Can be used to heal an allied warrior to full HP and to automatically increase the rank of a warrior by 1. Using any of these options has a cost associated with the tier of the target warrior, and destroys the Pylon.
2nd ability: allows them to build a special Pylon (might give different bonus than Special pylons for the other Protoss leader, we´ll see.
- Stalker: 105M 35VP, tier 2, 3 supply. Penetrating damage, medium range, fast, decent damage but low HP. +4 damage when attacking from behind.
1st ability: “Assassin”: passive, deals +8 damage to warriors of higher rank.
2nd ability: active, poisons the target for 5 HP/sec for 30 seconds and makes it visible. +1 permanent damage to the Stalker if the unit dies within that time frame.
- Reaver: 155M 75VP, tier 3, 5 supply. No attack, can create scarab drones for 10 VP, which can be released on enemies to explode on them.
1st ability: can create a Probe v2 instantly for 35 VP if there is supply available and unit-type limit is not reached.
2nd ability: passive, scarabs cost 8 VP and Probes 28 VP. When the reaver dies, the player gets the 75 VP back.

The more erratic of Protoss Leaders, this Leader lives and dies by its ability to kill enemies, the faster the better. Being able to upgrade buildings with little repercusion means that changing strategies on the fly, and making comebacks is very possible. This Leader should not be underestimated, because in this game actually killing enemies can be hard at times -especially vs babysitters-, and it does so better than the rest. Finally, a lost battle vs this Leader can spell gg, especially if a group of Probes v2 are left around.


- There will be 11 types of neutral Warriors trainable at the Academy of War, and 3 Unique Warriors per Leader. All Warriors are classified into tiers 1/2/3 -they can be Zerg, Terran, or Protoss. Any Leader is able to train any of the (neutral) Warriors, no matter if it is from a different race. Tier 2 neutral Warriors would require a level 2 Academy of War, and tier 3 Warriors would require level 3 of that building.
- Similarly, tier 1/2/3 unique warriors require lvl 1/2/3 HQs.

- There´s a limit to the number of Warriors of each type that can be on the map at the same time. This means that the limit is shared between both teams, ie. if for X warrior type there can only be 5 units on the map, and team A has 4 of them, then team B can only train 1 -if one dies, then both teams could train another one, etc. This will hopefully add another layer of depth by allowing players to deny the enemy training certain Warrior types.
--> For 1v1, the limit for neutral Warriors is 6/4/2 (6 of each type of tier 1 Warriors on the map at the same time, 4 for tier 2, and 2 for tier 3)
--> For 2v2, the limit for warriors is 10/7/4 -still 6/4/2 per player.
--> For 3v3, the limit for warriors is 14/10/6 -still 6/4/2 per player.
--> For Unique Warriors, limit is 6/4/2 always.

- Each type of Warrior starts with no abilities, and can end up with 2 -this is not counting unique race abilities such as the ability of units owned by a Protoss Leader to refill their shields.
- As Warriors stay on the map, they acquire xp and with these they can go up in ranks. Each rank improves the attack and HP of the unit by 10% of its original amount. There are 5 ranks:
1) Trainee: the one they start with.
2) Competent: gives access to one ability.
3) Veteran: gives access to a second ability.
4) Elite: improves each type in a different way -one of its abilities improved, or a certain stat/s, etc.
5) Leader: the Warrior becomes a Leader, so it is able to convert buildings and has a new small command radius as it now has charisma. However, unlike leaders, it cannot be revived.

- Unique Warriors are a bit more expensive than neutral Warriors as they do not require the player to control an Academy of War to create them.
- Warriors that reach "Leader" rank cannot go further up in rank/level. It won´t be easy to reach that rank, and it will require micromanagement of the unit. Note that it will be possible to win without aiming for high-tier Warriors -and baby-sitting them-, by massing lower-tier ones and upgrading them in groups for instance.
- The aim is to have a high death rate even with the focus on defensive Warrior micromanagement, ie. many times it won´t be worth it to invest so much time and attention on saving them.
- With respect to the damage system, Warriors that reach the final rank are still considered Warriors.
- The lower the tier of the Warrior, the faster it goes up in ranks -a tier 3 Warrior needs around double the xp of a tier 1 Warrior to go up a rank.
- Players will be able to see the rank of warriors graphically, as well as how much xp they need to reach the next rank.

Upgrades (to be changed)

1) Marine: slight attack damage increase and training time halved (at TC) (lvl 1)
2) Marine / Siege Tank / High Templar: increased attack range. (at TC) (lvl 2)
3) Stimpack for marines / marauders (at TC) (lvl 2)
4) Damage against buildings for tanks / Thor / Berserker (at TC) (lvl 2)
5) Upgrade for Banelings and Probes: use 1 supply and increased ms.(at TC) (lvl 1)
6) Jet Pack: allows Marauders to fly. (at NHQ) (lvl 2)
7) Savior heals allies nearby with each attack (at NHQ) (lvl 2)
Cool Damage and speed for infestors/mantis/dark templar (at TC) (lvl 2)
9) HP for mantis/immortal/Stalker (at TC) (lvl 2)
10) HP regen for ultralisks/mutalisks/predator (at TC) (lvl 1)
11) Fire Quads and tanks 1 less supply and 15% cheaper. (at TC) (lvl 1)
12) Templars, Archons, and Dragoons do +8 bonus damage for 5 seconds after killing a unit. Stacks. (at TC) (lvl 2)
- Rank 2+ Banelings and infestors breed 2 broodlings upon death (at TC)(lvl 2)
- immortals and mutalisks now do siege damage (at TC) (lvl 1)
- Bonus armor for Ultralisks, Archons, Matriarch, and they create 10 minerals per unit killed. (lvl 2)

Tier 1 neutral Warriors

- Baneling : 30M, 10 VP, 1 pop, few HP, cannot attack. When it dies, it explodes, dealing moderate damage around it to both allies and enemies. When near a neutral building claimed by an enemy, the explosion changes the building to be unclaimed if it does not have an add-on -does not work on the AoW in the enemy team zone. Explosion damage is AoE, and affects both allies and enemies. As it goes up in ranks it does more damage when exploding and moves faster.
Ability at 2nd rank: Scout – gives the baneling improved LOS and makes it receive 1 damage when attacked -starts with 5 or so-, but dies -and explodes- after 30 seconds.
Ability at 3rd rank: passive, makes the baneling invisible when near allied buildings (to create a sort of ambush).
Purpose: cheap tactical warrior, should be used every game for its ability to “unclaim” enemy neutral buildings. Explosion damage lends to cool tricks. Benefits from Terran leaders´ tech that increases explosion damage.

- Marine: normal damage, 85 M, 2 pop. Highly upgradeable and cost-effective ranged unit. Deals 2X damage on the first shot upon entering combat, and again after being 5 seconds without attacking.
Ability at 2nd rank: "Concentrated Fire", toggable with a cooldown, deals 2X damage when attacking tier 3 warriors and leaders, but moves slower.
Ability at 3rd rank: “Explosive shot”, passive. Reduces the movement speed of units being hit by the marine´s normal attack.
Purpose: general purpose warrior. Attack damage is low, but has different bonuses that make it very effective in certain situations. Supposed to still be viable late game. Could be best used by Protoss leaders since they benefit a lot from micromanagement.

- Infestor: penetrating damage, 75M, 15VP, 2 pop. Melee unit similar to a zergling but bigger and a bit slower. Receives +1 damage and +5 HP per allied infestor nearby.
Ability at 2nd rank: toggable, can elect to add a strong poison to their attacks or an effect that reduces attack speed of units it hits, with a cooldown. These effects stack with attacks from different infestors.
Ability at 3rd rank: infests a neutral building, making it unable to be captured/converted for 60 seconds.
Ability at 4th rank: ability to permanently transform the infestor into a Queen, a slow but high-HP unit, which has a vampiric aura for melee units and 1 active ability. The Queen cannot go up in ranks.
Purpose: Rushing unit, best in groups. Infestors will beat marines cost effectively, but not by much. Later on it is more of a tactical unit, though it can still be used in groups to counter tier 3 warriors or mercenaries due to its damage type and being able to reduce their attack speed or poison them.

- Engineer: normal damage, 90M, 20VP, 3 supply. Low attack. Can claim neutral buildings instantly by capturing them. The engineer “gets inside the building” and reappears on the map 15-20 seconds later. If the building is claimed back by the enemy during this time, the engineer is lost.
Ability at 2nd rank: build "auto turret" with moderate damage vs air and ground targets.
Ability at 3rd rank: build "Starport" building -ala Circle of Power in wc3- that produces 1 VP/sec and serves as rally point for newly trained Warriors.
Purpose: must-use warrior, as it is the only other unit that can claim neutral buildings beside leaders. Useless in combat, but with high move speed and the ability to support battles by building nearby, but this requires forethought and planning. These buildings takes 1 pop and can be destroyed.

PS: the idea is that both infestors and marines are good early game units, and decent later on to combat tier 3 warriors and mercenaries, but are countered by tier 2 warriors.

Tier 2 neutral Warriors

- Mantis: normal damage, 65M 50VP, 3 supply. Melee unit with somewhat low HP but high armor. When ordered to attack an enemy unit inside its LOS, it charges towards it at high speed, can happen once every 10 seconds.
Ability at 2nd rank: passive. Every attack deals extra damage equal to 5% of the max HP of the unit attacked. Does not work on buildings.
Ability at 3rd rank: toggable ability to attack 75% faster but lose 4 HP/second, with a cooldown.
Purpose: specialized warrior that shines at higher ranks. It is initially effective against tier 1 warriors, but a bit on the expensive side. With some ranks it works great against leaders and other high-HP units as well as against buildings.

- Fire Quad: siege damage, 115M 30VP, 3 supply. Vehicle, cannot attack air, normal speed, AoE damage with moderate-long range. It has no movement penalty when on jungle terrain.
Ability at 2nd rank: allows it to choose one of 2 passive abilities –the Fire quad will receive some graphical update upon choosing it:
--> “Fire Trail”: leaves a trail of fire behind it for 5 seconds as it moves, which deals damage over time to enemies that tread on it.
--> “Cruising Quad”: when ordered to move to a point in the map, it accelerates gradually until reaching great speeds. The longer the distance, the faster it moves in the end.
Ability at 3rd rank: Flamethrow: long range, shoots fire in a straight line ahead of it, initial damage and damage over time for every unit caught in its path. Both initial and over-time damage affect buildings. Damage over time ignores armor. Can be used on jungle and tall grass terrain to set it on fire, which lasts for 10 seconds and damages every units that steps on it.
Purpose: hard counters warriors of lower tier due to the AoE of its attack, and makes a great unit to hit and run and to defend from hit and run. Combined with roads, it can move around the map at lightning speeds, which makes it a good choice for Terran leaders –Terran leaders are able to build roads to increase the move speed of vehicles.

- Immortal: explosive damage, 165M 20VP, 4 supply. High damage and better-than-average armor/HP, but low move speed and low range. Attacks both air and ground. It has increased HP regeneration when out of battle.
Ability at 2nd rank: active, Blink/teleport-like ability. The longer the distance traveled, the longer the cooldown.
Ability at 3rd rank: active, turns the immortal invulnerable for several seconds. Works great against explosions. Can be used on allies but for half the duration.
Purpose: As the mantis, it is a bit overpriced initially, but it is quite versatile and has different survival mechanisms, which can allow it to reach a high rank. It is an ideal unit to act as defense vs air threats, but loses out to powerful units. Natural unit to train for Protoss leaders.

- Mutalisk: penetrating damage, 175M 40VP, 4 supply. Short-range air unit. Low-to-average damage bouncing attack that does 50% bonus damage against unique warriors. Can attack both air and ground. High move speed and average HP.
Ability at 2nd rank: active ability. When cast on the terrain, it is an AoE ability that does light damage to all units inside it every second -works great with Banelings. It can be cast on an enemy unit or building doing increased damage over time. Any enemy unit that dies under the effect of this ability creates a Broodling.
Ability at 3rd rank: "Final mutation": the mutalisk transforms into a powerful flying unit that loses HP/sec until it dies.
Purpose: great to harass melee units and buildings, scouting, and combating unique warriors. The final ability allows it to sacrifice itself to help turn the tides in an emergency situation.

Tier 3 neutral Warriors

- Siege Tank: normal damage, 160M 70VP, 5 supply. Vehicle, high damage but average move speed and HP. Can run over tier 1 warriors and minions, killing them, and destroys tall grass terrain below it as it moves.
Ability at 2nd rank: can toggle between siege and normal mode similar to melee. Siege makes it stand still while doing extra damage and doing AoE damage on its attacks -AoE damage affects both allies and enemies.
Ability at 3rd rank: "Load Cannon", when this ability is ready, it can be used so the next attack does 3x damage -5x vs buildings- and a bonus 10 damage per unit killed up to that point.
Purpose: Great unit to guard a zone of the map, although a bit weak on the move. Is specially good against buildings.

- High Templar: penetrating damage, 240M 30VP, 5 supply. Long ranged attack which deals high damage, every 3rd consecutive attack on the same target makes this unable to move for 0.5 seconds and stops channeling -can be used to stop leader units from converting buildings.
Ability at 2nd rank: allows it to permanently transform into a Dark Templar, which is not able to go up in ranks. The Dark Templar does high normal type of damage at melee range, and is invisible.
Ability at 3rd rank: allows it to permanently transform into an Archon, which is not able to go up in ranks. The Archon does high explosive damage at low range, with high armor.
Ability at 4th rank: powerful AoE damage or healing spell, depending on whether there are more enemies or allies in the AoE.
Purpose: High-damage unit specialized against high-tier warriors, mercenaries, and leaders. Not using the transformation abilities means the High templar is less cost-effective than other warriors at 2nd and 3rd rank, but it is worth it if you make it to 4th rank.

- Ultralisk: siege damage, 200M 90VP, 6 supply. Huge HP, melee. Does double damage against Warriors of lower tier.
Ability at 2nd rank: "Resistant Skin", toggable to receive half damage from ranged attacks and explosions, costs 1 VP/second.
Ability at 3rd rank: active, absorbs a % of the max HP of enemies nearby and gives it to the Ultralisk if it has less than 50% HP. It is above 50% HP, it damages enemies nearby by 1/5th of its remaining HP. (If no enemies are nearby, it burrows into the ground, making it invisible and regenerating HP. Upon casting it again while burrowed, it erupts from the ground and sends enemy units nearby flying, damaging them. --1st version of ability)
Purpose: High-end unit that hard counters warriors of lower tier. Great use to use against Terran leaders as turret damage and explosions are ineffective against it.


- Quite powerful units, can´t go up in ranks. They are created instantly, and grant 10 minerals to the owner everytime they kill a unit.
- They cost around 75 minerals, and also cost 2 VP per second they are on the map. Players can "dismiss" them at any point, and if the player´s VP reaches 0, they walk away.
- They have access to 1 ability initially, but there might be an upgrade that lets them use a second one -1 upgrade for each type of Mercenary.
- They use up 6 supply each.

There´s 3 types of Mercenaries:
1) Savior: penetrating damage, Protoss melee unit with high damage and armor, but average HP. Every attack heals non-vehicle allies nearby by 30% of the damage done.
1st ability: X - active; immobilizes an allied unit and makes it unable to attack, but improves its armor and HP regeneration. Can be cast on self.

2) Marauder: explosive damage, big infantry-like unit, can enter bunkers, non-vehicle, launches explosive grenades as its standard -AoE- attack from medium range, has a different attack vs air that does heavy damage. Moderate damage and HP.
1st ability: X - active; launches a special grenade that does heavy damage in a bigger AoE and slows enemies affected by it.

3) Plaguelord: normal damage, high HP and moderate damage low attack range, cannot attack air. Infests enemies it attacks by 2 HP/second for 60 seconds, and gives half of that to the Plaguelord.
1st ability: X - active; AoE damage that does more damage the closer the enemies are to dying - 2% HP as damage per 5% of max HP missing, meaning it kills any unit with less that 28% HP.

Players have access to 2 expensive upgrades for all Mercenaries available at a level 2 NHQ:
- 33% reduced mineral cost and they use 4 supply.
- +15% attack damage and HP.

- Unit limit -number of units of the same type that can be on the map at the same time- for each Mercenary type is 2 for 1v1 games, 4 for 2v2 games, and 6 for 3v3 games.


- Minions are created in batches periodically for every player. They are formed by 2 units, which look different but have initially the same stats for each Leader.
- New minions for player X will be created only if his prior ones died, and if there is enough pop slots available.
- Minions have a bonus damage vs buildings, to make pushing the enemy HQs easier for the losing team in case it can´t really defend its HQs.
- Minions that die on the neutral zone give the enemy team some VPs.

Game Systems

Damage System
- Many units will have an attack bonus -passive or not, implicit or explicit- against certain units.
- Explosion damage ignores armor, and does 50% damage to buildings.
- The minimum damage a unit can take when attacked is 2.

Cloaking-Detection System
- Cloaked and invisible units have a radius of cloaking safety. If a unit’s cloaking safety radius overlaps another unit’s detection radius, the stealth unit would be revealed. All units detect invisible/cloacked ones that are near them, but only some detect those inside their LOS radius. Detected units remain visible until they are out of enemy sight of every enemy unit, then they become invisible again.

Experience -xp- System
- Warriors, Unique Warriors, and Leaders obtain experience -xp- and go up in ranks/levels. They receive a slight amount each second passively. Low tier Warriors require less xp to go up in rank -or get more xp/second, the end result is the same-, to balance them with respect to higher tier ones, and also to make it possible to craft strategies around high-ranked, low-tier Warriors.

Early game (to be expanded, perhaps with game theory analysis)
- There are 4-5 pick-up objects spreaded "randomly" around the map that give slight stat bonuses to the units that steps on them. These objects disappear from the map when that happens, and reappear 1-2 minutes later at a random location.

Última edición por unjugon el Dom Mar 06, 2011 1:02 am, editado 10 veces
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Mensajes : 112
Fecha de inscripción : 10/11/2010

[Proyecto] SC: Leaders Empty
MensajeTema: Re: [Proyecto] SC: Leaders   [Proyecto] SC: Leaders Icon_minitimeSáb Mar 05, 2011 3:23 pm

cyclops Shocked affraid


Bueno, lo he leido un poco por encima mientras comia, o mejor dicho, mientras me achicharraba la lengua...

Pero eso es otra historía...

Lo tienes muy planificado todo.

Dime, que tienes ya hecho?

quiero verlo xD

La verdad, menos lo de los niveles, que no se como coj... hacerlo lo demas ya se me ocurren unas cuantas ideas, y hasta ya estoy optimizando...

bueno, muy bueno lo de la jungla, pero eso puede acabar de dos formas ( o eso creo)

Que se convierta en una zona NO transitada, o que en todas las partidas se acabe "talando" a base de bombazos el bosque, porque puede (y solo puede) que sea un nido zerg en cada partida, un lugar perfecto para meter tus zerglings mientras el enemigo espera con sus soldados sin saber que viene....

no se no se...

esto va a ser un vietnam pero a lo space wars....

Por lo demas, me parece un juego bastante perfecto, meterle munición a las units sería un complemento, pero ya entiendo que no es algo "obligatorio" para darle ese tono estrategico que la mayoría de juegos necesitan...

Bueno... creo que entre tu con este mapa y yo con el mio xD vamos a culminar los destacados g g g....

y como siempre digo, sube por megaupload el mapa y mandalo por mensaje privado si quieres (tanto para ayudar mejor, como para aprender...)

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Mensajes : 64
Fecha de inscripción : 30/01/2011

[Proyecto] SC: Leaders Empty
MensajeTema: Re: [Proyecto] SC: Leaders   [Proyecto] SC: Leaders Icon_minitimeSáb Mar 05, 2011 6:23 pm

Si haceis post tan largos, os juro k no voy a leerlos jjajajja ... Y yo k pensaba k os chapeaba con mis post ...
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Mensajes : 13
Fecha de inscripción : 03/03/2011

[Proyecto] SC: Leaders Empty
MensajeTema: Re: [Proyecto] SC: Leaders   [Proyecto] SC: Leaders Icon_minitimeDom Mar 06, 2011 1:08 am

Os prometo que no vuelvo a poner un post tan largo! xD

Ya he editado el post, creo que el documento ahora está mas o menos legible.

Bélsel, no tengo casi nada hecho. Volví a él recientemente, hace meses hice pruebas para ver cómo podía enfocar los temas que más dudaba si se podían hacer o no con el editor. Soy honesto conmigo, y no quiero que me ayudeis echando horas con el editor hasta que yo demuestre que puedo tirar con esto para adelante, y daros algo ya algo definido con lo que poder ayudar, que os podais sentir motivados por saber que tarde o temprano este mapa por mis huevos va a llegar a estar en un estado jugable.

Por lo demás, gracias por los comentarios positivos Smile
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Mensajes : 13
Fecha de inscripción : 03/03/2011

[Proyecto] SC: Leaders Empty
MensajeTema: Re: [Proyecto] SC: Leaders   [Proyecto] SC: Leaders Icon_minitimeLun Abr 04, 2011 3:02 am

Buenas, he terminado la primera versión del terreno:

Unos apuntes:
- He añadido dos tipos de edificios neutrales:
1- el Obelisco, que bufea a una unidad del jugador hasta que la unidad muere o el Obelisco es convertido por un rival, y además permite al propietario ver ciertas estadísticas del los rivales, como puede ser los puntos de victoria, el tiempo que le falta para ganar por timer -una nueva condición de victoria-, o numero de guerreros de cada rango que tiene. Solo hay 1 en el mapa.
2- el "Enabler". Cuando un jugador controla 1 de estos, le permite crear guerreros de tier 2, mientras que si controla 2 entonces puede crear guerreros de tier 3 también. Esto lo he añadido para que los jugadores tengan que poner un poco más de esfuerzo para poder crear mejores guerreros. Si un jugador controla 3 o más Enablers, entonces todos los guerreros que cree nuevos empiezan con bonificación de experiencia. Hay 6 en el mapa.
- Cuando un equipo controla un Radar, se le descuentan segundos en un timer, y cuando este timer llega a 0 gana la partida. Esta es la tercera condición de victoria, junto con destruir los Headquarters enemigos y llegar a una cantidad de puntos de victoria.
- Las lineas negras que van de una base a otra son "pathways", y unidad sobre ellas se mueven mas rapido. Esto permite tener un mapa mas o menos grande y que se ataquen de una base a otra más rápidamente.
- Las unidades se moverán más lentamente cuando caminen sobre la hierba verde.
- Los arbustos representan la jungla, en la cual las unidades pueden entrar pero tienen un campo de visión mínimo, y desde fuera de ella no se las ve. La idea es dar una pequeña ventaja a las unidades de cuerpo a cuerpo.
- No queria que hubiera tantos "choke points" -pasadizos estrechos-, pero es como ha salido...ya veremos cómo funciona. Tampoco los jugadores controlarán tantas unidades, pero ya con un 2v2 se puede crear bastante caos. He hecho lo posible por que esté mas o menos equilibrado haciéndolo asimétrico -mapas totalmente simétricos me parecen más aburridos.

[Proyecto] SC: Leaders Terrain1complete

- HQ: Headquarters
- MD: Mineral Deposit
- AoW: Academy of War
- MD*: Special Mineral Deposit
- NHQ: Neutral Headquarters
- OB: Obelisk
- OP: Outpost
- RD: Radar
- EN: Enabler
- TC: Training Camp
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[Proyecto] SC: Leaders Empty
MensajeTema: Re: [Proyecto] SC: Leaders   [Proyecto] SC: Leaders Icon_minitimeLun Abr 04, 2011 9:47 am

k Buena pintaaaa ...

Cuando puedas pasa un beta por megaupload, para k lo vayamos probando Very Happy
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Mensajes : 161
Fecha de inscripción : 17/10/2010
Edad : 36
Localización : Barcelona

[Proyecto] SC: Leaders Empty
MensajeTema: Re: [Proyecto] SC: Leaders   [Proyecto] SC: Leaders Icon_minitimeLun Abr 04, 2011 12:56 pm

Madre mia, a eso si se le llama proyecto!! :O

Yo tengo ganas de continuar mis proyectos Smile
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Mensajes : 112
Fecha de inscripción : 10/11/2010

[Proyecto] SC: Leaders Empty
MensajeTema: Re: [Proyecto] SC: Leaders   [Proyecto] SC: Leaders Icon_minitimeLun Abr 04, 2011 3:40 pm

Está muy bien, aunque... no sería más facil (y realista) hacer las zonas un poco más grandes, y destacables? osease...

Si haces una jungla... que haya 1 jungla (como mucho 2) en la zona... si haces un acantilado, que haya una zona de acantilado... a no ser que quieras un combate intenso, sin pausa e imprvisible...

En todo lo demas +10 ^^ buenisima pinta que tiene...
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Mensajes : 13
Fecha de inscripción : 03/03/2011

[Proyecto] SC: Leaders Empty
MensajeTema: Re: [Proyecto] SC: Leaders   [Proyecto] SC: Leaders Icon_minitimeLun Abr 04, 2011 7:03 pm


Rommel: me temo que aún me queda mucho...pero os mantendré informados, a ver si para verano puedo tener algo jugable!

Viss: Ya me decía yo dónde estaría el creador del foro! Claro que sí..a ver si vamos avanzando con proyectos y nos ayudamos todos con las pruebas, que siempre hace falta gente.

Bélsel: no era mi intención hacerlo tan rebuscado, pero ha ido saliendo así...quizá tiene su encanto, no? Si al final el juego termina teniendo un grupo de jugadores estable tengo pensado hacer varios diseños del terreno de todas formas. (vamos, que yo también tengo dudas con este terreno) Destaco lo que comentas del realismo: puede tener más importancia de la esperada para muchos jugadores...

Es verdad que busco un combate intenso y sin pausa, un poco caótico, pero desde el principio del proyecto me había imaginado un mapa bastante más abierto. Mirando ahora el mapa, se presta a jugar a gato y ratón, al "mira esta unidad que solita está a ver si caes en la trampa", a flanquear y rodear a grupos de unidades, emboscadas, etc. No estoy seguro si lo quiero dar tanta importancia a esto, pero supongo que nos daremos cuenta en cuanto juguemos unas partis.
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Mensajes : 161
Fecha de inscripción : 17/10/2010
Edad : 36
Localización : Barcelona

[Proyecto] SC: Leaders Empty
MensajeTema: Re: [Proyecto] SC: Leaders   [Proyecto] SC: Leaders Icon_minitimeMar Abr 05, 2011 8:58 am

Si he estado ausente una larga temporada. Era un poco inadecuado, pero necesario.

Yo ahora estoy cogiendo otra vez motivaciones para seguir con los proyectos! Tenia uno de tipo HGM y otro de tipo Diablo (experiencia, poderes,etc).

Por cierto, unjugon... welcome!!! (si aun no te habia dicho nada)
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Mensajes : 13
Fecha de inscripción : 03/03/2011

[Proyecto] SC: Leaders Empty
MensajeTema: Re: [Proyecto] SC: Leaders   [Proyecto] SC: Leaders Icon_minitimeMiér Abr 06, 2011 10:15 am

Gracias Viss!!

El proyecto de Diablo será muy interesante si consigues que se mantenga información entre distintas partidas, como que va subiendo tu personaje. Creo que no hay ningún topic al respecto, no? voy a ver...

Yo ya he conseguido que los jugadores empiecen la partida donde quiero...pasito a pasito..
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Mensajes : 161
Fecha de inscripción : 17/10/2010
Edad : 36
Localización : Barcelona

[Proyecto] SC: Leaders Empty
MensajeTema: Re: [Proyecto] SC: Leaders   [Proyecto] SC: Leaders Icon_minitimeMiér Abr 06, 2011 1:18 pm

La mia es una historia que se salva y se puede continuar. Lo de mantener información nunca lo he planteado, pero siempre hago trampas como si fuera "una continuidad".
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[Proyecto] SC: Leaders Empty
MensajeTema: Re: [Proyecto] SC: Leaders   [Proyecto] SC: Leaders Icon_minitime

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[Proyecto] SC: Leaders
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